
ADHD Business Coaching

ADHD business and organisational coaching covers anyone who would benefit from facilitating development in professional objectives. I work with many entrepreneurs juggling their businesses with competing priorities, as well as professionals navigating mostly neurotypical workplaces.  From a range of scenarios, including:

  • Strategic thinking (shifting out of the granular and seeing the bigger picture)
  • Running a business with multiple priorities
  • Ensuring business efforts are synergistic with business strategy
  • Accountability for business outcomes
  • Aligning your business to values and purpose
  • Developing a multi-perspective mindset 
  • Navigating neurotypical working environments with ADHD brain wiring
  • Increased skillful responses and decision making
  • Entrepreneurial mindset & leadership development
  • ADHD traits and skills as a competitive advantage
  • Managing stress and expanding productivity
  • Emotional sensitivity in the workplace
  • Supporting ways you may be “masking” at work to fit in or conceal your challenges
  • Identifying development paths and aligning to values
  • Understanding how your ADHD plays out in the workplace around others
  • Exploring your divergent thinking and cognitive hyperactivity
  • Dealing with work and life changes
  • Overwhelm of juggling work, life, family, health, and finances; delineating from work & personal
  • Increased emotional intelligence
  • Effective communication skills  & understanding others perspective

Relevant qualifications & background:

  • ADDCA qualified ADHD Coach
  • IECL accredited Executive Coach
  • Successful business owner
  • Master’s in Commerce (Strategy Innovation specialisation)
  • HR Diploma
  • Multiple Neuroscience and Neurodiversity credentials
  • Qualified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction teacher (mind strategy excellence)
  • Flow Training qualified for optimum productivity 
  • 10+ years in house senior Leadership role working on Strategy and Leadership Development
  • Both in-house and external facilitator and soft skills design and development
  • Executive Contributor on a global digital magazine for ADHD thought leadership



Delivery mode is online over zoom in a small interactive group dynamic.


Typically this workshop is run either online or in person and can be 60-120 minutes

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